
We meet on Friday afternoons during the school term from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.

‘Youth’ is for anyone in Grade 7-12.

The aim of ‘Youth’ is to encourage teens to trust in Jesus, and keep trusting in Jesus – while also inviting others to do the same. We seek to do this in a relaxed, relational and fun way. We enjoy hanging out together (often over food), we learn from the bible together and pray for each other. We also have social events where we just chill out and do something fun together.

YA is for people in their last term of grade 12, through to age 25. We meet after church on the first Sunday of the month; eat together, study the bible and pray for one another. There’s often lots of additional social things on the calendar; from park run to board games nights, movies, swimming and bush walking. A highlight for us is our much anticipated YA weekend away. We encourage our YA cohort to also invest in weekly small groups as a way of connecting with the wider church family.

Young Adults


We love kids and we want them to feel welcome, happy and safe at Church. They’re a valuable part of our church community. Each Sunday during the school term we run a low-key kids program. The kids join us for the first half of the service and head out for some games and age appropriate bible teaching.

Small Groups

Small groups are a vital part of our church life. We meet in each-others homes throughout the week. We eat together, hangout together and spend time praying and hearing what God has to say to us through His Word the Bible.

In our small groups we aim to help each other reach our friends with the good news of Jesus, as well as urging each other on in our trust of Christ.

We have a variety of small groups that you may be interested in being apart of.


If you would like further information about any of the groups we run or just have some questions feel free to get in touch using the form on our homepage.